Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday/Gotcha Day Stacie!!!

Stacie and Paige

Stacie, Paige and Zachary


Andrea said...

WOW! THe kiddos are getting big. Hope all is well..we miss you!

Grace said...

My husband and I are waiting to travel for our son who is at the Yixing SWI in Jiangsu province. I found your blog by googling the name of the institution. When I saw your son's referral picture I knew it was the same place. Our son's referral photo shows him on the same rocking horse/toy. Our son's name is Yi Hao and he is 17 months old. I was wondering if you could email me with any information about the SWI. Any bit of information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Steven Curtis Chapman - When Love Takes You In