How is it that one year is already coming upon us? A year ago today we were in Shanghai sightseeing and taking in China. Soon, October 8th will be Zachary's forever family day. What an amazing little guy we have been blessed with. His cute, witty personality certainly does keep amazing us.
His lip is looking better. I keep forgetting that his surgery was only three weeks ago. I need to be a little better at protecting the delicate surgery that was performed. But how do you keep an active little four year old still? My answer? You can't. But Zach does a pretty good job at "self-protecting" his lip. Speech therapy is still a couple of weeks away but we can already tell that his speech is improving. Yeah! I don't know if it is because of being three weeks older or because of the surgery but it sure is nice.
Zachary has physical therapy and occupational therapy evaluations from our school district pretty soon and so we might be going to PT, OT and Speech at our school. I am very thankful that the millage passed for special education in our county this past year! If Zachary is in need of PT and OT they will be able to provide that for him. Zachary has come a long way this past year (physically and geographically: ))!